Mohd Elfie Nieshaem bin Juferi Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi
My vision for Tel AvivReading Time: 2 minutes

Hello and a warm welcome to everyone who’s landed on my blog, i.e. this one (hint: I have more than one blog)! This is my first blog post here, and I’m brimming with enthu­siasm and ideas that I can’t wait to share with all of you.

Who I Am and Why This Blog Exists

I am Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi. Here’s a fun fact: Despite using WordPress for years, I have little to no coding experi­ence. But that’s about to change. I’ve been dipping my toes into various CMS platforms like Joomla, Contao CMS, Concrete CMS, Drupal, TYPO3, and Ghost CMS, and I’ve enlisted the help of ChatGPT‑4 to guide me through the complex­i­ties of coding and theming.

What Awaits You Here

In this blog, you can expect a smörgås­bord of content. For starters, I’ll document my foray into coding, theming, and navigating different CMS platforms, all from the perspec­tive of a beginner guided by advanced AI. Whether you’re a seasoned devel­oper or a newbie like me, there’s going to be something here for you.

But that’s not all. I’m also keen on delving into the intri­ca­cies of SEO. With years of experi­ence under my belt, I’ll share best practices, tips, and techniques to optimize your website for search engines. From keyword research to meta descrip­tions to link building, we’ll cover it all.

Additionally, I’ll be sharing some incred­ibly engaging and useful ChatGPT prompts that can be used for a wide range of appli­ca­tions. Be it creative writing, problem-​solving, or simulating inter­esting conver­sa­tions, these prompts will open up new avenues for exploration.

A Community, Not a Monologue

One of my primary goals is to build a commu­nity where everyone — from coding experts to SEO gurus to complete begin­ners — can share their insights, ask questions, and learn from each other. Your partic­i­pa­tion will not just enrich this blog but also steer its future direction.

Transparency and Integrity

As we dive into various topics, you have my assur­ance of complete trans­parency. Whether I’m reviewing a CMS platform, sharing an SEO tool, or discussing coding solutions provided by ChatGPT‑4, you’ll always get an unbiased, honest perspective.

What’s on the Horizon

As the blog evolves, I have plans to expand the content reper­toire to include guest posts, inter­views, and possibly even video tutorials. Your feedback and sugges­tions will be integral in shaping these developments.

Your Role in This Exciting Journey

Last but not least, this blog is as much yours as it is mine. Your engage­ment, be it through comments, shares, or feedback, will be the driving force behind this commu­nity. So, I invite you to subscribe, follow me on social media, and most impor­tantly, become an active partic­i­pant in this journey.

And so, as we stand at the threshold of what promises to be an enthralling adven­ture into the worlds of web devel­op­ment, content manage­ment systems, SEO, and AI-​assisted learning, all I can say is — I’m delighted to have you here. Let the adven­ture begin!Endmark